Sunday Services

Sunday Services

Each of our Sunday services focus on hearing the Bible read and explained, responding in prayer and singing, and building relationships of encouragement with others.


8am – Early Church

We’re a warm fellowship of early risers who enjoy the richness and depth of a traditional service. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper most weeks and delight in welcoming newcomers over morning tea. 


10am – Morning Church 

People of all ages call Morning Church home, including a creche programme. There’s plenty of time to get to know people and build relationships over morning tea.


6pm – Evening Church

People of all ages call Evening Church home, including many of our young adults. We enjoy a more relaxed style and make the most of opportunities to build relationships and serve each other. 


Service Times

Sunday 8am Early Church

A traditional Service

98 Holt Road, Sylvania Heights

Sunday 10am Morning church

Including creche programme

98 Holt Road, Sylvania Heights

Sunday 6pm Evening Church

Aimed at young adults

98 Holt Road, Sylvania Heights