Our Beliefs
As a Church we are convinced that Jesus Christ is Lord and that the greatest need of every man, woman, and child in Sylvania and beyond is to have a restored relationship with the God who made them. God in his love has done everything needed to make this possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus, and we receive this gracious gift by trusting in what Jesus has achieved for us.
Christianity Explored is a great way to find out more about Jesus and what it means to be a Christian.
Sylvania Anglican Church is an Evangelical Anglican Church in the Diocese of Sydney. We believe that the Bible is God’s word and is our supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. Our historical and theological roots are found in the Protestant Reformation and these convictions we share are expressed in the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Anglican Church and the Book of Common Prayer.
The core values that shape what we do and what we teach can be summarised as: